Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Being Social

My squire is sick. What a big baby.
So he's been absolutely no use to me -- hey but what's new?

Looks like Astrid posted on her own blog at Thanksgiving. Yeah, we went down to Sanctuary to see what was going on. After all, need the little one to have as many experiences as possible. It was pretty crazy. Everyone was there. Everyone. And of course matters weren't helped by the fact that so many ate like animals -- probably, because many of them there were animals.
The baby was surprisingly sociable to everyone. Gods know he didn't get that from me -- blame Astrid for that one. He used so many languages, I couldn't keep count. And then, he's also learning dialect too, as I found out. He's learning Jesse's drawl and has even developed some Simi-speak. Simi thought it was absolutely delightful and carried him around like a teddybear showing him off to everyone. I felt proud.
I was reluctant though to have Astrid bring the little one over to his biological uncle. Valerius can think whatever the hell he likes of me but I won't have him looking down his aquiline nose at my child. I watched at a distance as my little one started chatting away in Latin. It was a better attempt than I had ever managed -- and in Rome, anyone knew your status by how you spoke the language. I think Astrid's brother-in-law was impressed though he tried to hide it behind his impervious facade of superiority. I heard him respond back in Latin, but I didn't catch what they said. Astrid assured me it was nothing but good.

Signing off,