Monday, March 12, 2007

Time with Sundown

     I thought, since I've been gone for so long and particularly after a very unpleasant situation (understatement of the past century), it was time to post and give everyone a heads-up that I'm still kicking (and biting, and clawing and tearing people apart) because no one as of yet has been well-meaning enough to put me out of my misery after these long years.
I've been with Sundown. Never thought it would happen but, hell, I'm not a DH anymore so sure, why not? He invited, I went. The little one has been with his mother. I had no obligations and a very real need to get away.
J was a much needed cure and, unlike most of my other DH encounters, a positive bonding experience. He's always had some misguided faith in me and was never quick to believe the stories that circulated about me. It also helps that he's a bit crazy himself -- not in the insane way, well maybe, but more in a social impulsiveness that balks at the reserved withdrawn individuals (like me) and flies forth, heedless of what any other asshole thinks. So he got me drunk.
Well, I should preface this. DHs don't get drunk. You get drunk, you pass out, you're dead. That's the way it goes. You get tipsy, but nothing like drunk. I didn't quite realise this. I've never been drunk before. Of course, I've guzzled down hard liquor before like it was water but it didn't effect me too much. So at this bar he took me to I didn't even think that I could get drunk -- but then, I'm not a DH anymore, and I could. And I did. Drunk isn't the word. Shitfaced. He got me shitfaced. And then proceded to teach me LINE DANCING of all things.
I know you're all waiting for the answer, so I suppose I'll gratify you. Yes, I did it. And I was drunk for the first time in my whole fucking life. I think the chance to "ride that goddamn buckin' bronco like it's [my] last" was well deserved. But I did have enough sense to turn down the boots and the stetson.
It sort of reminded me of singing bawdy songs in Middle English while I was working on my farm once upon a time ago. I don't talk about it much -- but I enjoyed myself then. And drunken line-dancing was probably the most "fun" I've had since or before then. Thanks be to Sundown for that.
I won't be back home for a while. So with great hesitation, I continue to leave Valt in charge.
